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tv   9 News Now at 430am  CBS  January 31, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST

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education and housing. the purpose of this is to ensure that if they try to arrest one of us, they'll have to arrest all of us or none of us. >> reporter: so far the national park service has given absolutely no indication as to exactly when they'll begin enforcing the ban on camping here at mcpherson square and nearby freedom plaza. another after shock has hit mineral, virginia. the 3.2 magnitude quake hit around 6:40 last night. so far we haven't had any reports of any serious damage or injuries. anita lives ten miles outside of mineral. she tells 9news her dog knew it was coming before it hit. >> she started barking like something was out there. then 20 seconds later it hit. and shook the whole house. and by then she's really barking and getting upset, me along with her but i'm not barking of course but i was upset. i thought it was the big one again. we all think that around here
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when these aftershocks hit. >> back in august mineral was the center of the 5.8 tremor which rumbled up the east coast causing significant damage to the national cathedral and washington monument. people in five counties and the city of fredricksburg, virginia who lost jobs as a result of last year's powerful earthquake face a deadline this week. they must file by thursday for disaster unemployment assistance. the aid is intended for unemployed people who live or work in the disaster area and are not covered by state unemployment insurance programs. in addition to fredricksburg, the disaster area includes culpeper, orange and spotsylvania counties. a new "washington post" poll suggests support for legalizing gay marriage in maryland is growing. the new numbers come as opmoneys of gay marriage ralliedout side the state capital in annapolis. >> lawmakers hold the crucial vote. >> marriage should be defined between what? >> one man and one woman.
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>> there you go. >> reporter: tonight a diverse coalition on display, heavily republican conservative christian groups allied with reliable democratic african- american churchgoers and a latino minister putting it into words. >> denominational, racial, ethnic and partisan lines. tonight we are one. >> reporter: tonight's rally against gay marriage comes as a new "washington post" poll finds the largest number of marylanders yet, 50% in favor of gay marriage with 44% opposed. senator richard matalino raising two children with a same-sex partner is not surprised. >> people are becoming more comfortable with it because it's less of a surprise and mystery for them. >> you can't stop us from loving each other. >> reporter: gay marriage passed maryland's senate last year but fell short in the house of delegates. as representative after representative from prince george's county switched sides
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during the final floor debate under pressure from powerful church leaders. this year's bill was rolled out by governor martin o'malley with compromise assurances that no church would be forced to perform or recognize same-sex marriage. >> we don't want their protection. >> reporter: that did not go over well tonight. >> they have not been to our churches. they don't know our doctrines and they don't know our god. >> reporter: at the statehouse in annapolis, scott broom, 9news now. >> the first lady katie o'malley had to apologize over the weekend for calling opponents of gay marriage cowards. today is primary day for florida's republican voters. most polls show mitt romney with a solid double digit lead over newt gingrich. at a rally in jacksonville monday, gingrich claimed he was closing that gap. florida offers the first big jackpot of the primary season with the winner taking all 50 of the state's delegates. 44 members of congress plan
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to rework the keystone pipeline proposal. president obama rejected the 1700 mile long extension earlier this month. it would have carried oil from canada to the gulf of mexico. supporters believe the plan will help the u.s. gain energy independence. opponents are concerned about the potential environmental effects. the president said he rejected a plan after congress gave him a two-month deadline to make a decision. he said the administration just needed more time. washington, d.c. may be the best in fiscal shape of any major city in the whole country. mayor vincent gray announced d.c. has a $240 million surplus from fiscal year 2011. the long time c.e.o. subjected keeping that surplus as part of a rainy day fund and the mayor agrees. >> this is one time money. it isn't as if the surplus represents money we will get every year going forward. >> people are tired of being nickeled and diemed to death -- dimed to death. we need to take a look at every
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option to see if they can get some relief. >> underspending by the city agencies is part of the reason for the surplus. others point to higher fees, fines and tax increase on the wealthy leading to the surplus. 4:35. here's a look at some other things making news now. a team of united nations monitors is inspecting iran's nuclear facility. here in washington, there are concerns the iranians are developing nuclear weapons. both the united states and several of their european allies have enacted sanctions to punish iran for its nuclear ambitions. the iranian foreign minister has told the u.n. inspectors they can stay for as long as they like. investigators are trying to find out why interstate was reopened. a chain reaction crash littered the highway. ten people were killed, 16 more injured. the florida highway patrol defended its decision to reopen
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the road saying the visibility was clear enough when they did but it again deteriorated very quickly. the historic kennedy home in hyannisport, massachusetts has been donated to the kennedy institute. it fulfills a promise made by senator kennedy to his mother rose that the home would be preserved for charitable use. the institute is working with historians to determine the best way to preserve the home. it will eventually be open to the public. time now 4:36. if one local lawmaker has his way, you could be paying 20 cents more per gallon for your gas. researchers reveal a connection it heart disease and memory loss. we're back with your weather first in two minutes. stay with us.
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. 4:38 this tuesday morning. all he need a jacket early. we've got some 30s and 40s but we're off to the races today. by noon 54, sunny. south to southwest winds 10 miles per hour. we'll top out around 63. by 6:00 still in the upper 50s. what happened to winter? monika? >> it's not here, not today. enjoy it and enjoy the traffic because all you really have is overnight construction that's being cleared up on the inbound side of i-66 at nutley treat stoo and -- street and on the outer loop through annandale as well. more on area roadways coming up again at 4:47. 4:39. time for your first money segment of the morning. that's why jessica doyle is here. >> look at both of you pretty in pink today. loving it. as for wall street hopefully we'll be in the pink. lots to go through this morning.
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investors looking at a new report on home prices, consumer confidence and earnings season full steam ahead. for stocks it was a flat session. checking the numbers the dow starts this morning at 12,653 after dropping almost 7 points. the nasdaq lost 4 and a half and the s&p 500 dropped by 3. drivers in maryland could soon be paying more to fill up. governor martin o'malley says he wants to extend maryland's 6% sales tax for gasoline. the washington examiner reports the move would give maryland the fourth highest gas tax in the continental u.s. the governor's plan would phase out the exemption adding a 2% tax each year. that would add about 21 cent as gallon. that is on top of the current 23 cent as gallon that state drivers already pay in a gasoline tax. meat lovers, time to budget more. americans are already paying near record levels but experts say beef prices will likely rise another 5% this year.
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the reason why? we have a low supply of cattle, believe it or not and also seen a jump in the cost of feed. so if you want a steak, just pony up. >> oh. >> never mind. >> no comment. no comment. >> happy tuesday. 4:41. we have if you information about that brake failure on a metro train from last december. >> more on that story and your weather first when we return in two minutes.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now. coming up on 4:44, boy, what a day this will be.
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highs near 64. >> 63 today. 65 tomorrow. >> you could wear shorts today. >> a lot of people were wearing shorts. once you get to the midday when temperatures top in the mid up toker 50s by then, you get the lunch time jog going. shorts and short sleeves will probably feel okay compared to what you've been running in sometimes, the leggings and jacket and everything else. today will feel pretty good to be outside doing whatever. doing work outside. it's all going to be good. let's get you going on this tuesday morning. your bus stop forecast. it is chilly this morning. you'll need a jacket. we've got some areas down in the 30s but we're also pushing now into the 40s, especially south and southwest. mid-40s there. and that's only going to be going up once we get to that sunrise here at about 7:16. it's getting earlier and earlier. sunset about 5:27 or so. 43 degrees at 8:00. but 54 by noon. winds will be south to southwest today 10 to 12 miles an hour. a pretty comfortable day, especially this afternoon. i'm looking for a high in d.c.
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about 63. 4:00 temperature 61. then by 8:00 we'll be back in the low 50s. not too cold tonight. i think temperatures tonight stay 40 to 45 which is about where our highs should be for this time of year. we're running about 20 above average today. a few clouds overnight. another batch of clouds looks like it's going to come across the region a little later this morning. we may go partly sunny for a while but overall should be a sunny and very warm day for january. you'll notice some 30s. cold stuff is up in new england where they have 20s there. we're already 51 in charleston. 48 lexington. 40 in richmond. locally we've got readings anywhere from 31 in haymarket to 45 in upper marlboro and crofton. 43 in baden. 42 fort belvoir. the warmth is creeping in. pockets of 30s. once the winds start to kick and the sun comes out, those temperatures should go up. here's a look outside. we've got good visibility once
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again under generally clear skies at reagan national. just a few clouds. 42 degrees. slight windchill making it feel like it's 37. our humidity at 51%. two things i'm watching as we get over the next couple of days. the one system up to the north in the northern plains with a little bit of rain and wintry mix there. fairly light. that clipper is coming across the northern plains. then off to the south you see the moisture coming from texas into louisiana. these are going to sort of come together just a little bit. as that system to the north crosses east, it will draw up some of that moisture from the gulf. our rain chances are going to be increasing. even late tonight there's a slight, slight chance for a sprinkle but i think tomorrow afternoon it's a thursday. maybe south of town a better chance. so today midday, we're sunny, we're mild. the mild air with us this afternoon and tonight as we drop into the 40s. a couple of sprinkles came across the models. that's a low chance but i'll throw it out there in case you wake up and things are wet on
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the street but doesn't look like much. you notice the rain here. this will come across. a couple of showers possible on wednesday. then a lot of the moisture has a tough time actually getting here as we get into thursday. it may concentrate more south than north as we get into the day on thursday. and some chillier air tries to work its way back here for thursday, friday but nothing of any big consequence here. we're not talking like 30s. we're talking maybe cooling down to the 40s, 50. today unseasonably warm. 63 for washington. if we stay in the 50s, it will be up in hagerstown or oakland. there are going to be some spots down south in the mid-60s like culpeper, tappahannock, maybe southern maryland and fredricksburg and manassas closer to 65 degrees. that's 20 degrees above average. our forecast today 63. tonight into the 40s. stray sprinkle tonight. again a shower possible tomorrow. 65, though. thursday could be an early shower, cool, 50 with a better
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chance of a few showers south and north. as we head past groundhog day to friday, sunny and cool, 52. saturday looks okay. just a weak system may get here sunday into monday. still, though, just a couple of rain showers still not seeing winter returning just yet. it's 4:48. monika samtani is smiling and looking good this tuesday. >> thank you, howard. good morning, everybody. the roads are looking good, too. i'm happy to say just like yesterday morning we don't have any big problems to report. if you're coming out of frederick and i-270 and -- i- 70, everything is find all the way down to the point where the lanes divide. the lanes are open and traffic is looking good there. we'll take you outside live at the person legion bridge on the west side of town -- american legion bridge on the west side of town. no issues to report. we had construction on the west side of town in annandale but i think that should be cleared up shortly. back over to the maps this time to southern maryland. if you're heading out of waldorf on route 210 and barry
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road, watch out, there could be potentially some police activity at the intersection there. we're just trying to find out what's going on. in the meantime again just watch out. you might find some police activity in that area. otherwise route 5 looks great out of bandywine. no problems toward oxon hill. a live look at the beltway and route 50 in new carrollton and everything is fine up to college park. more coming up at 4:55. a new report suggest there is is rampant fraud and wrongdoing in a district program designed to provide housing for at risk youth. ward one councilman jim graham who initiated the probe said millions of dollars were spent with little to no accountability. the report shows a lot of the questionable funding went to the group piece holics. it -- peaceaholics. it had never bought or repaired a building. the head of the agency released a response to this report. he said he is asking the inspector general and the d.c.
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attorney general to investigate the matter further. we have some new information into metro's investigation of a brake system failure on a metro train last month in december. the washington examiner reports metro has determined premature wear is what caused friction ring to fall off an orange line train near l'enfant plaza. officials are still looking into what caused another friction ring to fall off january 6. that report is expected out next month. the government has approved a new drug to treat an advanced form of skin cancer. the drug will treat people with basil cell carcinoma. it's approved for patients who cannot be treated with surgery or radiation. it can also be used in cases where the disease has spread to other parts of the body. some new evidence heart disease can lead to memory problems. a study from australia found people who have a heart condition tend to see a decline in their long-term memory.
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researchers say they're planning to follow-up the studies to figure out why this happens. 4:50 now. a 4-year-old ethiopian girl has a whole new life ahead of her thanks to the generosity and dedication after team of doctors and nurses in new york city. little sammy was born with a rare life threatening facial disfigment. >> sammy underwent eight surgeries to correct the defect and give her a chance at a long, normal, healthy life. we have her story. >> reporter: she likes to have fun like any typical 4-year-old girl. but her short life has been anything but typical. little sammy was born with a facial birth defect that made her an outcast in her ethiopian fishing village. it's called a venus malformation, a problem with the blood vessels in the face. >> it can become quite deforming, pows a lot of
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additional problems, hemorrhaging. >> reporter: the doctor heard her story and arranged for the little girl to come to the states to undergo a cutting edge treatment. her family couldn't make the trip so she's staying with a nurse who often acts as a foster mother to children in these situations. >> she was a challenge but you get so much back if these children. >> reporter: dr. bernstein's team performed eight surgeries here at roosevelt hospital during an eighth-month time period to transform sammy's face. sammy will be going back to ethiopia soon to show her family her remarkable transformation. her foster mom says she already sees a big difference in sammy's personality. >> when we went to the playground before she had her surgery, she would just stand and watch the kids and cover her face. after she had her surgery, she would just jump in the playground and she was the leader. >> reporter: there's still a 10% to 15% chance of the condition coming back and sammy
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will still need follow-up surgeries back home but she's ready to face whatever lies ahead. cbs news, new york. >> all of sammy's medical costs were covered under the save one child fund established by the doctor, his former colleague and the foal be singer peter yarrow. children who grow up with a sense of support from their mom are more likely to have a bigger hippo campus, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and regulating stress. researchers say this highlights just how important nurturing is from mental development. time for the question of the day. >> 20% of married people spend money on this without telling their spouses. is it a, lottery tickets. >> check. >> b, eating out. >> yup. >> c, clothes. >> no. log on to our facebook fan page and leave your response. i bet my wife would say all
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three -- would say yes to all three. >> if you like us on facebook, you can have a chance to begin posting your guesses to our question and maybe win a brand new kindle fire. it's up for grabs in the great giveaway sweep steaks. just click like on our facebook page at >> if you already like us, thank you for that you can still enter the sweepstakes. there's a giveaway tab on the left side. today is the last day to enter. get on it if you haven't already yet. two lucky winners will be selected to win a brand new kindle fire tablet. you need to be at least 18 to enter.
4:55 am
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welcome back. 4:56. your weather first on this tuesday morning. grab a jacket early but something you can peel off because we have temps in the 30s and 40s this morning. by 11:00 50 degrees already. by 1:00 upper 50s. we're going into the 60s. low 60s this afternoon although down south you might make a run toward 65. south, southwest winds running 20 miles an hour. mild again on wednesday. let's go to monika and find out about time saver traffic. good news for commuters on the north side of town. here's the beltway on route 1 in college park. the top side is the outer loop past 95 into silver spring and 270. all lanes are open. more on area roadways once again at 5:01. book to you. >> thanks, monika. see you in a bit. a portion of the national mall has some new energy efficient lighting. the led lights are in place from 3rd to 15 rght streets -- 15th streets. the goal is to provide increased security in that
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area. pepco provided the overhead crews to install the lighting kits for free. radcliff takes a big step away from harry potter. and hall hall lee berry goes back to -- halle barry goes back to court. >> reporter: daniel radcliffe walked the red carpet in new york city last night for a special screening of the movie "the woman in black." radcliff plays a widowed lawyer who's still grieving. he's sent to a remote village to sort out the affairs of a resident who recently died but quickly realizes some natural dangers lurk in the house. >> it's an extremely scary film. people should take me seriously because they're still coming out saying, this is really scary. it really is.
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>> reporter: it opens nationwide this weekend. actress halle berry was here for an ongoing custody battle. she wants the judge to take away visitation privileges from the father of her 3-year-old daughter. her nanny has accused the father of pushing her into a door while holding the little girl. the wikileaks founder is making an unlikely appearance of the 500th episode of the simpsons. he will play himself in a guest spot recorded over the summer. the episode airs february 19. and that is your eye on entertainment. >> wow. good morning. thank you for watching 9news now at 5:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. happy tuesday. here's monika samtani who will have traffic momentarily and howard


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